Have you ever felt like your ‘everyday’ life is separate from a meaningful spiritual life?  Perhaps you’ve struggled to find integration in your desire to experience God’s presence personally with you and your everyday, walk around, work and play world.  The Ignatian Exercises are a form of prayer that integrate your everyday world with experiencing God’s presence. Love, and purpose in the whole of your holy life. 

History of the Ignatian Exercises
Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, developed the Spiritual Exercises, one of the enduring treasures of Christian faith and devotion. This journey of prayer was written in the 1500’s, but it has continued to bear spiritual fruit across the centuries.  The Exercises primarily consist of praying with Scripture, where we are invited to let God inspire our imagination so that we encounter Jesus though the gospel stories.

The Exercises begin with prayers that help us know that we are deeply loved by God. With the love of God as our foundation, we are able to face the chaos and sin in our lives and the world around us, and experience deep grace and forgiveness. Then we pray through the life of Jesus using gospel stories: His birth and childhood, His public ministry, His passion, His resurrection and the new life we are offered.

Through the Exercises, many people encounter Jesus in a profound way, finding their love for Jesus increased, with a deep desire to serve Him with joy. The Exercises are also a school of discernment, where we let desire for God lead us as we offer our lives more completely to Him.

How would I begin?

We offer two ways to journey through the Exercises,  18th annotation, An Ignatian Experience  or 19th annotation, Life with the Trinity.

Here are some points about the 18th and 19th that will let you see the difference in experience and commitment. 

Both annotations require a daily time of prayer/contemplation from at the very least 30 minutes for up to an hour.

Both require meeting weekly with a spiritual director.  A director helps you to understand how to do the Exercises and to discern how the Spirit moves in your heart, so you can be aware and open to all the gifts and graces God has for you.  A director also helps explain the different ways of praying, contemplations and meditations.   They also serve as a guide as you navigate the different themes and movements in the Preparation Days, Weeks 1, 2, 3 and 4. 

Both require a fee which is listed in the details below.

18th Annotation, An Ignatian ExperienceThe 18th annotation is an adaptation of the 19th annotation.

  • It typically lasts from 10-12 weeks.
  • It requires a weekly meeting with a trained Ignatian spiritual director, you can request for one on one direction, or to be placed in a group of 2-3 if available.
  • The 18th will touch on each of the themes of the 19th but not as much depth and time spent in each one.
  • Cost for the 18th is a sliding scale of 210-240 for the whole course or can be paid monthly 70-80 a month for three months.

19th Annotation, An Ignatian Pilgrimage, Life with the Trinity This is the complete Spiritual Exercises in daily life.This requires 9 to 10 months to complete. Typically 35 weeks

  • It requires a one on one weekly meeting with a trained Ignitian spiritual director.
  • It can be done in a group setting if a group is open and available. You receive individual SD once a week 3 times a month and group SD once a month.
  • Groups also include 5, 2 hour group retreats preparing you to move  throughout the 35 weeks.
  • It is a compelling journey of knowing, being known and loving and being loved by the Trinity.
  • It provides an experience of varying kinds of Ignatian prayer and contemplation for slow deep work of transformation.
  • Cost for the 19th annotation is a sliding scale of $175-200 a month.
  • Cost for the 19th annotation group is of $200 a month, this includes the mini-retreats, group spiritual direction and individual direction.

For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Sherri or, Mike.

An Ignatian Pilgrimage — A Journey with the Trinity
by Sherri Harder

“I am Sherri Harder, a pilgrim following Jesus just like you. If you are about to embark on an Ignatian pilgrimage with Jesus guided by your Spiritual Director, this is a great resource.

When you donate to receive the guide for your journey, your generosity will transform others as they experience the love and life of Christ through the Exercises. Note: at this time donations are not tax deductible. Thank you for your generous gift.”

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