Spiritual Direction is a space to clear away the clutter in your life with a compassionate listener. This is an ancient form of pastoral and soul care. Through compassionate listening and prayerful conversation it  is a place to listen to yourself and to God, in quiet, in grief, sometimes laughter seeing where God’s grace is at work in your life. 

“By creating sacred space, you reserve a part of yourself and prevent your life from completely being filled up, occupied, or preoccupied. When this happens, your life begins to be transformed in ways you hadn’t planned or counted on, for God works in wonderful and surprising ways.” 

Henri Nowen

For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Sherri or, Mike.
You may also contact one of our partners for more information or an appointment.

Margaret Guenther words it beautifully in her book Holy Listening:

Spiritual direction is not psychotherapy nor is it an inexpensive substitute, although the disciplines are compatible and frequently share raw material. Spiritual direction is not pastoral counseling, nor is it to be confused with the mutuality of deep friendships, for it is unashamedly hierarchical. Not because the director is somehow ‘better’ or ‘holier’ than the directee, but because, in this covenanted relationship the director has agreed to put himself aside so that his total attention can be focused on the person sitting in the other chair. What a gift to bring to another, the gift of disinterested, loving attention!”

Margaret Guenther

Holy Listening, p. 3)