Supervision is a collegial relationship between a spiritual director and someone trained to help them look at the feelings, shifts of awareness or resonance within the director that might be getting in the way of them being fully present to their directee. Supervision is both affirmation and challenge, it is a gift that keeps clean and clear space in the heart of a director so they may more fully sit with their directees. Spiritual Directors International’s Guidelines for Ethical Conduct states “spiritual directors engage in supervision by receiving regular supervision from peers or from a mentor.”
Supervision is director focused and we work with a write up about a session and a snipped of verbatim dialogue from the session. It’s a confidential process in that the supervisor will not know identifying details about the person the director had the session with nor do we spend time talking about the directee. It’s a chance for the spiritual director to look within themselves and become more free to be the spiritual guide your directees need them to be.
For more information or to schedule an appointment contact Sherri or, Mike.